hello im a hamster ym

this is my trash 02.06.2022

I am 19 years old, out of curiosity and fun, I start to write. I try to do everything in my life so it will be funny greetings to iza-ni and senpai
rain of dew

I'm worried about people I know, but I don't need to. better to eat and drink while karaoke ... I've to collect stuffed animals and stickers
broken time

I'm curious people try to talk on top, but they don't know the time. at work you have to pretend, the brain database limits human development in a data-collecting state to eliminate it and have a mock conversation,unfortunately you have to study numbers and much more

I entered neocities and honestly love the neocities society as well as the sense of humor - I enter and see there are 1,030 views it made me laugh a little bit it made my day ,well what can I say thanks (I thought no one would look in my notebook ok)
new 2022-2023